Upright Brewing 2017 Fantasia Release

Upright Brewing Fantasia Label by Lloyd Winter.

Always a popular yearly release for Upright Brewing, the 2017 vintage of Fantasia will be released on Thursday, January 12th at the brewery’s tasting room. Fantasia, now in its seventh year of bottling, is the first barrel fermented fruit beer aged with peaches that Upright Brewing released.

The Fantasia label artwork was done by Lloyd Winter and was based on Igor Stravinsky, the composer The Rite of Spring, which appeared in the Disney film Fantasia.

Open from 5:00 to 9:00pm on Thursdays, there will be a three-bottle limit on Fantasia with each bottle retailing for $20.00 each. Remember to bring cash, as this is the only payment method taken at Upright Brewing.

Upright Brewing
240 N Broadway – Suite 002
Portland, OR 97227