Zoiglhaus Brewing’s 10th Zoigl-Wort Share
We are only about a month out from celebrating Oktoberfest and Zoiglhaus Brewing has all the homebrewers covered with its 10th Zoigl-Wort Share. On Friday, August 17th from 4:00-7:00pm, Zoiglhaus will be selling its wort for its forthcoming Festbier to area homebrewers.
Participants purchase the wort from from Zoiglhaus as well as a pitch of yeast. It is then in the hands of the homebrewer to finish the beer prior to the Bierfest Tasting Party.
Registration is $35.00 and closes on Wednesday, August 15th. Purchase price includes 5 gallons of fresh wort, a pitch of yeast, a free pint at the tasting party, and a commemorative glass. To register for the wort share click HERE.
Then on Saturday, September 29th, Zoiglhaus will host the Bierfest Tasting Party beginning at 4:00pm. All participants are invited back to taste through their creations. Plus all beers are graded with a BJCP Beer Score Sheet. The highest scoring beer wins a free entry into Zoiglhaus’ next Wort Share!