Gigantic Brewing Announces Its 5th Anniversary Greatest Hits Lineup
PORTLAND, Ore. (March 28)- We said we would never brew our seasonal beers more than once, but to celebrate our 5th anniversary we are bringing back some of the most loved brews in our catalogue of ever changing seasonal beers. We will be brewing an entire year of Gigantic “Greatest Hits” starting in April and running to June 2018 (It’s a gigantic 15 month year).
We are always being asked when we will brew “that” seasonal beer again. So at the end of last year we asked our taproom patrons, as well as those online and around the world to vote for their favorite Gigantic seasonal beer. We received hundreds of votes and after counting, and re-counting, we are happy to announce the beers selected by Gigantic drinkers.
We will start our “Greatest Hits” reissue collection where it all began, with Axes of Evil and The City Never Sleeps. Both beers were our top vote getters and we are proud to re-brew and drink these beers again. Gigantic 5th Anniversary reissue beers will be signified by a special “5 Years Greatest Hits” stamp. The beers will also come paired with songs from local musicians.
About Axes Of Evil
Gigantic + Three Floyds unleash this weapon of mass distraction. Citrus, floral and tropical hoppyness lead to full malt flavour from proper English malt, kilned over Welsh coal. Brewed for those of us that live and die in the Timbers Army and Section 8.
ABV 6.0% 70 IBU
Axes of Evil release event at The Civic Taproom April 2, 3:00-5:30pm, Pre-Timbers match release even.
About The City Never Sleeps
From the deep dark recesses of our minds emerges this imperial black saison. A beer shrouded in mystery and depth of flavor. A night you will never forget.
ABV 7.6% 18 IBU
The complete list of Gigantic Greatest Hits:
April-June 2016
Axes of Evil
The City Never Sleeps
July-September 2016
Whole in the Head
October-December 2016
Catch 23
Most Premium
January-March 2017
High Fidelity
End of Reason
April-June 2017
High Fidelity
Kiss the Goat

We will be celebrating our 5th anniversary with Gigantic Beer Week – 8 days of events from May 4-11. Our 5th anniversary is on May 9th, 2017. More information on Gigantic Beer Week to follow in the coming days.
About Gigantic Brewing
At Gigantic we only do two things: make the best damn IPA in Portland, Oregon and produce seasonal, exciting, flavorful beers, most of which will be brewed only once. Our goal is simultaneously to create new interpretations of classic styles and to ignore those same style guidelines completely and brew whatever our creative natures produce. We hold ourselves to a simple principle – Never Give an Inch. We vow to start small and (stubbornly) stay small, focusing our efforts on making exceptional beer, rather than a lot of beer. When you drink Gigantic, know that we didn’t just put our names on the label – our effort, imagination, and dry wit are in every bottle.
Gigantic beers are available at the brewery (5224 SE 26th Ave), in bottle and on-tap throughout the Portland area, and distributed by: Maletis Beverage (Portland, Salem, Vancouver, WA), Bigfoot Beverage (Eugene, Bend, Central Coast), Ft George (Northern Oregon Coast), Summit Distribution (Southern Oregon), Click Distributing (Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Northern Idaho), Lime Ventures (California), Copper & Theory (BC & Alberta), Southern Wine & Spirits (Hawaii), Crooked Stave Artisans (Colorado), Good Life Provisions (Nebraska), Flood Distributing (Texas), Louis Glunz (Chicago), 12 Percent Imports (NYC, New Jersey), Atlantic Beverage Distributors (Massachusetts), Vermont Beer Shepard (Vermont), Vacationland Distributing (Maine), Hatos (Japan), American Craft Exports (Norway), James Clay (UK), USA Beer (Netherlands), Beer Without Borders (NZ).