Prost! Portland Celebrates Kolsch Fest On Saturday
|A day celebrating the beer that made Cologne, Germany famous returns to Prost! Portland on Saturday, June 17th. Yes, its that time of year for the return of Kölsch Fest!.
Kölsch Fest takes place from 11:00am until 9:00pm and will feature German Kölsch beers taking over all of the bar’s taps. Featured breweries include Früh, Reissdorf, Sünner, BraufactuM and a special release of Gaffel for the first time on draft!

The Kölsch beers will be served in the traditional stange glasses or sometimes better described as the narrow pole glasses that hold up to .2 liters of bier. The small sized glasses are intentional to urge Kölsch drinkers to imbibe quickly so not to let the beer warm and lose its light effervescence.

Additionally, guests can also order a Kranz (or wreath) of Kölsch, a traditional carousel-style beer carrier that fits up to 11 stanges. Prost! will also feature food specials inspired by the annual Carnival in Köln cooked up by Chef Graham Chaney of Stammtisch including a Schweinebraten (roast pork) sandwich.
Prost! Portland
4237 N. Mississippis Ave.
Portland, OR