No-Li Raises $5,000 With Area Communities to Support Washington State Fire Fighters

Known for its community engagement, No-Li Brewhouse are raising money to support the Washington State Fire Fighters’ Association. The goal is to raise $5,000 to help support the its fellow residents that protect the community at large.

The $5,000 that will be raised will go directly to volunteer fire fighter training and support programs for the woman and men that risk their lives to protect us. The fundraising program runs through the end of August.

We are grateful to the women and men in our communities that fight fires to protect our homes, forests, and lives. Thank you! – No-Li Brewhouse

To support this effort, No-Li is featuring a custom designed pint glass on sale for $5.00 at No-Li Pub. Best of all, 100% of every $5.00 pint glass sold goes directly to the Washington State Fire Fighters’ Association.  This is No-Li’s third year in the partnership.