Vermont’s Hidden Treasure
By Marc Demeule
Hidden in the middle of Vermont’s forests is the Bobcat Café. In a previous post, I mentioned a brewpub that I would talk of later, referring to the Bobcat. I have been there only once previously, with a group and did not have enough time to taste what was brewing. Back fromm the Extreme Beer Fest in Boston, we crossed the Green Mountain National Forest to reach Bristol, Vermont. A long trail, but it is worthy of the trek. Very easy to find on the Main Street with unique signage, this place is inviting with brick walls, a relaxing ambiance, and huge bar. I hope I will find the right words to describe their beers. You know, when English is your second language…
I must say that all the beers tasted were from good to excellent (according to my own opinion and to my three fellows). These brews gave an impression of fresh cereals and were well-balanced.
Kölsch, with a light touch of citrus and herbal/floral flavours. Wionna Wheat, all in malt with a soft taste of candy sugar. Saison de Cassis, very fruity. Ripton Red, amber ale with a nice malty side, South Mountain Stout, with a strong smell and taste of roasted grains, coffee/espresso and chocolate. Lincoln Lager, fresh balanced cereals. Pilsner, simply nice. App-Gap IPA, my preferred. Resinous hops, bit of citrus, simply excellent. Brown, with just enough of everything in it to ask for another glass. Heller Bock, with a bit of caramel and Baltic Porter, which brings to mind chocolate and correctly hides the 8,3% of alcohol.
Another thing I should mention is the kitchen which is more elaborate than the classical chef’s burger and the house pizza. This place has been a sure shot of this drinking weekend. We will definitely make the detour again to Bristol…
That’s all folks. Next trip: New York!