Meet The Pourer!
|Portland has a very strong focus on beer, there’s no denying that. Locals always want to know about the who, what, & how of the beer they are drinking. Part of this equation, however, is overlooked, and that’s the server of these great beers! Randy Plew‘s Plew’s Brews is one of the newest beer bars to the scene but he’s doing it right. Bringing an assortment of great beer and making it available at phenomenal prices! If it weren’t for loca…l beer pourers such as Randy from Plew’s Brews, some people wouldn’t be able to sample some great beers!
So, for one day, let’s stop & reflect (over some pints and live music) about the fact that the beer culture in Portland wouldn’t be the same without places like Plew’s Brews and the people who make them shine!
Come on down to Plew’s Thursday, August 26th to celebrate & meet the pourer! Event kicks off at 6 and runs ’til midnight with music starting at 7:30.
Natian Brewing will have 5 different ales available at the event: Undun Blonde, Everyday IPA, Honey Red & Lumberjane Stout. All pints of Natian are only $2 bucks that night! Free swag will be given out also!