Teacher Appreciation Wine Tasting Open House
|As the spouse of a South Albany H.S. teacher, I know, as you teachers know, just how important your job is and just how taxing it can be! The last few days of the school year just seem to drag like a big ape’s knuckles on a gravel road! One of my wine reps, Aaron Jensen with D’Vine Wines, has the same perspective as I as his wife, Victoria, is an art teacher at Crescent Valley. Aaron and I are teaming up with hostess Victoria to have a wine tasting just for teachers and if you have the energy and the gumption to pull yourself up out of your end-of-year comfort zone/home cave we would love to have you join us!
What: Teacher Appreciation Wine Tasting Open House
When: Thursday, May 27th, 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Where: Corvallis Brewing Supply, 119 SW 4th St., Corvallis
Cost: Free! 20% discount on any of the showcased wines of the night
RSVP: Yes, please! Call Aaron @ 503.317.7492
Who: Any certified and classified, primary, secondary or college level
Spread the word: Yes! Please email to all your teacher friends!
We promise! No tests or book reports