Beer Goddess Unveils Fred Fest Line-up
|Here’s a note from Lisa “Beer Goddess” Morrison that divulges this year’s Fred Fest line-up to be held at Hair of the Dog Brewery in Portland. Mmmm!

It’s here! This year’s answers to the enduring question: What Would Fred Drink?
These beers are available together for the first time and exclusively at FredFest 2009, this Saturday, at Hair of the Dog Brewing.
Are you prepared to have your socks knocked off?
Some other cool details:
— Again, this year, there will be a raffle. $5 tickets (or 5 for $20) Lots of great prizes, including the Grand Prize of a Traeger Pellet Grill valued at $799.
— Also again this year, a Silent Auction on-site featuring some wonderful German steins and other goodies.
— Another online beer auction will be running the entire weekend, so people from around the world can celebrate Fred Eckhardt’s birthday. There is at least one complete vertical of Stone Epic (02-08) and a lot of other great rare beers and verticals.
— The food lineup promises to be pretty amazing as well. Hair of the Dog owner/brewer Alan Sprints, a trained chef, is preparing Fred-brined Prime Rib sandwiches on potato rolls with Fred-from-the-Wood mustard. There will also be some great side dishes and, of course, classic Fred beer pairings such as cheeses, chocolates, breakfast cereal and junk food.
— This year’s charity is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Tam Driscoll, a fundraiser for LLS, is also kicking off a “Name the Beer” contest at FredFest. As a fundraiser, Laurelwood Brewing Co. is making an IPA. One dollar from each IPA sold will go to LLS. But the beer doesn’t have a name yet! And you might be just the person to give it the moniker it needs to fly off the shelves!
Please come join the FredFest fun. Details and tickets can be found right here:
In Fred We Trust!
Hey Angelo!
Don’t forget to mention the other man, the myth, the Legend (pictured on the right): me! Keep up the great work here!
@ Matt Ha! That IS you. Another beer celebrity.