Fort George Presents "The Black & The Bitter" at Bottles

Tim Ensign (left) and Fort George's Chris Nemlowill

As mentioned earlier in the week, there’s a lot happening at Fort George Brewery in the way of growth, and in light of their forthcoming Stout Month (February), the growing Astoria brewery is throwing a bunch of exciting events with a lot of new and tantalizing beers.On Saturday january 28, 2012, Bottles (5015 NE Fremont St., Portland, OR) is hosting “The Black & The Bitter”, a Fort George tap takeover unlike many you’ve seen before. This particular invasion involve, as the name indicates, two categories of one-offs with the uber-geek in mind. So, buckle up, and enjoy the ride, here’s what you can expect to taste tonight at Bottles:

The Black

  • Coffee Girl Stout
  • Squashed Stout (Butternut Squash Stout)
  • Bourbon Barrel Cavatica Stout
  • Coal Miners Lager

The Bitter

  • Red Tide Imperial Red
  • Roscoe Wild Rice IPA
  • Bad JuJu Imperial IPA
  • Vortex IPA *Double Dry Hopped with Zythos Hops!

For further details, visit Bottles’ official website or call them at (503) 287-7022.