Rogue Dragon Update from the Inside
|The saga continues.

This just in from Green Dragon Founders Club member Andrew Self:
“I just got back from a meeting between Brett Joyce and the Green Dragon Founders, and I have to say, I don’t hate the whole deal as much as I did when it was announced. The Founders Club is staying, as is the Mug Club–though the Mug Club is rising in price. According to Jim (who was also there), Ed was going to raise the price of the Mug Club anyway. The food menu will see a shakeup and some of the more expensive dishes will get their walking papers and the food will likely return to a more pub-ish feel. Live music will likely also be gone, though previously-booked acts will still be honored. Of issue is both the stage taking up space and being non ADA-compliant as well as bad experiences with live music in Rogue venues in the past. Video Poker will appear, though it will be mostly hidden by state law–it can’t be within line of sight of minors, and Rogue doesn’t want the pub to be unfriendly to families and minors. ”
Andrew Self
Please leave a comment and let us know what you make of this.
Yeah who likes music anyway?! I would much rather be playing video poker!
I am curious… How does one join the Mug Club? Is it open to the public?
There’s so much talk about it online, and I always forget to ask when I’m at the Green Dragon.
Regarding samuraiartist’s comment:
I agree 100%. I was all about the Bluegrass on Sundays.
I mean, I agree to your sarcasm… ok, I’ll stop leaving comments now!
the mug club is great but i believe they maxed it out at 100 awhile ago and havent opened it up yet.
As far as Andrews feelings they are legit but they are only good for the exclusive founders and mug club members of which i am one of. As far as for everyone and everything else it all bad news.
I have gotten my moneys worth, i would rather go somewhere else now
Brett did explicitly mention bluegrass and how popular it is, and that keeping that is not off the table since it’s a more low-key event than having a band do sound checks for hours. I think he was talking more about getting rid of the rock shows.
@samuraiartist How do you see it changing for the worse for the non-Mug Club and Founders? What’s going away or arriving aside from the Rogue name that you’re not willing to consider?
“I think he was talking more about getting rid of the rock shows.” Proof that Rogue doesn’t rock.
@Ron Guettierez
Maybe, but as someone who’s been there on nights with a rock show playing, it was impossible to hear the person next to me and I’d definitely appreciate at the very least a tone down of the sound.
@Andrew Self
The number one thing is the loss of great employees, many who were founders.They obviously felt strongly enough to go. The tap list has already started getting much more generic. Also they are adding lots of new white lighting making it much brighter. Its a preferential thing but I find it a much different atmosphere. Video poker, its an anti-social thing, also will bring in many people who dont care for craft beer which allows the taps to go downhill. Kids play area? I have nothing against it but again it will change the atmosphere and inevitably effect everything from the service to the food and beer. Suddenly instead of being in the beer business you are trying to please another crowd who is spending money. As far as “rock” shows, the music is going decidedly less rock and its only saturday nights at 10 when the place is filling with club goers and well out of the dinner hour.
You may be fine with these things but to me it will be an entirely different place and become just a generic restaurant with a slightly above average tap selection.
Those are all valid complaints/observations. I personally thoght the Dragon was far too dark before, and I’d definitely like to see more lighting. Not bright or white lights, but just brighter by a bit.
Rogue doesn’t want to add a play area per se, but Lego tables that familes can sit at and kids can play at the table. Some of the chalkboard tables are due for replacement anyway, and I so rarely go to the bistro side as it is. Like before, though, kids won’t be allowed in the pub side after certain hours which I *believe* is state law, but I don’t know for sure. The current pre-Rogue policy is no kids on the pub side after 4 PM.
I’m not a fan of Video Poker either, but it’s a good way for a business to make a little extra money. I don’t know where they plan on putting the machines, but since kids can’t ever have line of sight of them they’ll be tucked away somewhere (mostly) out of sight.
I disagree about the beer selection. I’ve been there twice post-Rogue and I’ve found that it’s still excellent as always.
As for the people–you’re right. That’s probably the biggest loss of Rogue purchasing the Dragon. We know where to find them if we want to see them, though, so it’s not like they’re gone forever. New people will come, too. I enjoyed being able to walk in and say hello and shake hands with my friends behind the bar, so I’m hoping that will happen again as I get to know people there. On the other hand, there are a lot of places I enjoy visiting to have a beer in this town, and I don’t know anyone at most of those places and I still enjoy the trip.
I guess my bottom line is that there is a lot of turmoil going on, but I’m going to give it some more time before I come down on one side of the fence or another.
Save the bluegrass shows, save the bluegrass shows !! I’m a Dragon regular and love the Sunday music, especially the Paganjug band guys. Never heard of them until they showed up at the GD. Makes a Sunday afternoon alot more fun than staring at a bunch of old men slugging down beers.
Yah, I’m a bit confused about the mug club thing, I’m currently a member, but I haven’t heard anything about renewing. I’ll have to weigh the renewal option with the new price. It is tempting to renew if they are going to double the amount of taps.
I will miss the bluegrass Sundays as well.
No music + name tags + video poker = Green Dragon death. Not the place for me. I have taken my business elsewhere.