Beer and Your Health
|If you like to partake in the craft beer like we do, we suggest you take good care of your health and make sure to get a decent amount of exercise. These next few months, especially July being Oregon craft beer month, there will be a lot of tempting tipples about to beckon your tasters. Remember to drink lots of water, eat healthfully, and get plenty of exercise. You’ll look, feel, and smell a whole lot better (and you might even live a little longer, too.).
Here’s a bike group that Jean, Angelo’s mother, told us about that she found on the Interwebs. You might have already heard of it:
Don’t you think it’s time we all became more physically active?
Beginning June 1st, a few friends & I will be riding 5 miles every day.
If any of you would like to join our Bike Club, please let me know and we can make arrangements.
I think it would be appropriate to ride somewhere between 4:00 and 7:00 pm. We can call it happy hour, and pick you up on the way.. Let me know if this works for you.
I have attached a photo of my bike..
Have fun this summer and remember not to drink and drive. Cheers!
I really like drinkin beer and drivin my kar real fastlike. I tell you them hiway patroll po-lice dont understand that drunkin and drivin is our right as Amuricans.