Guest on Tap Changes Ownership
|As a contributing scribe to Portland-based website Guest on Tap, I recently received an email from founder David Dronkowski informing contributors that the site has changed hands as of February 6, 2009. According to Dronkowski, the site’s new online editor and publisher is Jason Locken. Locken is a graphic designer who moved to Oregon from South Dakota. His official website is It is still unclear whether Locken will have control of GOT’s Portland Tribune column, but I look forward to seeing what direction he takes things. Dronkowski, a former employee of the Portland Tribune, has left to spend more time with his wife and three children. Along with the Tribune column, Guest on Tap also features the PDX Beer Blog. There hasn’t many updates with Guest on Tap in a while. Raise a glass and toast Jason on the new venture and wish him well. Prost!

thanks for the post about my new venture! I am still making changes and thinking of ways to increase the interesting factor for,… i like what you and other people have done with your sites and look to them for inspiration! cheers.