Hoppy 4th of July!
|Happy Birthday, America! Today is the day to celebrate 233 years of independence from Britain. What does this mean? Well, really, it usually equates to starting a few fires, the barbecue and some fireworks, while cracking some cold beers and enjoying the prime of summer at the head of a three-day weekend. Sounds great, and it is! So, for the Fourth, I have a few suggestions, in fact six, of beers you might want to grab to celebrate. Belmont Station, Portland’s premiere beer store will be open on this day from 10am-8pm, so there’s no excuse for not grabbing at least a few of these…
1. Rogue American Amber: A tasty mildly hopped tawny amber ale with a roasted malt flavor and a bitter finish. This crowd pleaser comes in 22-ounce bottles dawning an American Flag; an obvious choice for Independence Day.
2. Bass Pale Ale: Yes, this is an English beer, but that is just the beauty of it. The Bass & Co Brewery was established in 1777 and was one of the first breweries in Burton upon Trent. It might boost your patriotic ego to think the US of A’s dismissal of the monarch a year prior is responsible for motivating the Brits to drink more. Either way, it’s a tasty, time-tested brew worthy of hot summer quaffing.
3. Flag Porter: Yeah, this is another English beer, but c’mon, the name says it all. America loves to wave a flag in the face of adversity, and this one is one with conviction. A perfect example of a classic porter with the complexity of an American. Chocolate, coffee, malt, caramel, raisin, and grains with a nice mild bitter tinge. At 5% ABV, you won’t end your party too soon with this session porter.
4. Victory Prima Pils: This hoppily spiced pilsner is a one of a kind and just the thing for July afternoons. From the state of Pennsylvania where Thomas Jefferson inked the Declaration of Independence in 1776, Victory can be yours again and again.
5. Chimay Red, White, and Blue: This is three great Belgian Trappist beers in one. The Red aka Première is a dark brown 7% ABV peppery brew. This beer possesses a nutty character much like a few of your pyromaniac pals. The White is an 8% ABV Trippel also known as the Cinq Cents. It is of a light orange hue and a very crisp and bitter. The Blue aka Grande Réserve is the classic Chimay beer with a copper-brown body and a creamy head. It possesses a mildly bitter taste. It’s fruity, peppery character is fun and festive like a summer holiday should be. These three beers together may make you a likely candidate for finding a designated driver. Have fun, share with your friends, and be sure to be responsible.
Hoppy Independence Day!
A version of this post original appeared in Portland Beer Blog