Part 2: You Might Be a Beer SNOB if:
|Ok, still not convinced you are a beer SNOB, Here’s a few more indicators:
- You keep a copy of the Brew News or Brew-Ha in your car as most people would a road map
- You’ve driven hours out of your way to visit a brew spot
- You keep a growler or two in the trunk of your car just in case.
- You have at least one pet named after a beer
- Your social circle consists of mostly craft beer drinkers
- You consider yourself part Trappist
- You’ve gotten into arguments over West Vleteren
- You know of a couple breweries about to open
- You consider Muncie, Indiana a top travel destination
- You’ve paid for a bottle of Utopias
- You scoff at misinformation in beer magazines
- You’ve got Brian Butenshoen’s number on speed dial
- You recite passages from Dr. Papazian’s homebrew book in mixed company
- People at specialty beer stores become either elated or distraught upon your arrival
- You have a preferred ginger beer
- When planning to attend a wedding or funeral, you speculate what the beer selection there might look like
- You ask to see a beer menu when considering ordering at an establishment
- You still can’t fathom how Warsteiner Orange exists under Reinheitsgebot.
- If you listen to your beer as a means of evaluating it
- You collect autographs from brewers
- You carry some kind of beer membership card in your wallet
- You’ve gotten into heated discussion over hop varietals.
- You take pictures of sample trays.
One Comment
Love the “SNOB” column. I think I know a person like this.