Seattle Beer Week
|The great brews of Seattle finally get their own week. It has been announced that May 7th – 17th, 2009 will be Seattle Beer Week. It is never too early to start planning to attend this tribute and while some details of the festivities are still in the works this event is sure to be filled with lots of excellent beer.
Greetings all beer lovers and purveyors of beer,
We are pleased to announce the creation of Seattle Beer Week. Seattle Beer Week is a week that will celebrate and showcase the tight-knit beer community of the Northwest, especially the Seattle beer market.
As so many other notable beer community’s have their own Beer Week to recognize their culture, it is time for Seattle to step up and that is where you come in.
To make this week successful, participation is necessary and encouraged.
During this development stage, we are seeking breweries, pubs, taverns and restaurants that want to participate in various events in and around Seattle that week.
Seattle Beer Week will be the week of May 7th – 17th.
To get the best coverage with the most beer drinkers it is important to have a large event in a different location every night of the week. There will of course be many smaller parties and events happening, but to ensure that participants are not divided, only one large event per night should be planned.
We want to focus on supporting all local business during this week. We have so many great local businesses in this city it is important to include all in this celebration to make it successful.
May 7 and May 17th are reserved for the opening and closing ceremonies.
Various breweries from Washington and all over the country will be participating in the week long celebration. There are various tiers of sponsorship and involvement that will make it easy for all to be included.
For more information and to contact us for an event, please go to: All information with all the event will be published on the website very soon.