Beer Infographic For "Lazy Beer Nerds"
|Beer has quickly become the bearded nerd’s equivalent of wine: Something about it inspires passionate arguments about nerdy arcana such as the shape of brewing vats and hops growing seasons. The pursuit of perfect suds can be seen blossoming at your local grocery store, where beer aisles are bursting at the seams with mind-numbing levels of variety.
So here, we present you with something perfect for lazy beer nerds: An infographic to tell you the best beers, according to category.
The infographic was the brainchild of designer Ben Gibson and book editor Patrick Mulligan — the same people behind this fabulous chart of rapper names.
The two of them met at a publishing house, where Gibson was designing covers for books that Mulligan was editing. (Sounds — and looks — a heck of a lot like the story of Co favorite Doogie Horner.) Just a couple weeks ago, they launched Pop Chart Lab — which sells the beer infographic as an 18″x24″ poster, for a mere $25.
Perfect for use as a cheat sheet for lording beer knowledge over your friends at the used record/books/clothing store. (Cliff Kuang)