Beer Porn

Brewpublican and Bailey’s Taproom beer expert Michael O’Connor delivers the money shot for beer geeks with a sultry, mouthwatering film project that he created while at the NW Film Center during the fall of 2011. This titillating portrayal of the malted arts is best described by O’Connor himself:

Is anybody looking? Quick, make sure the boss is down the hallway, your wife is off shopping, your parents are snug in their bed. Then, turn the lights down low, draw the window shade, and break open a big box of tissues. We know what you sweaty-palmed perverts are looking for: hardcore pint glass on tap handle action! You like ’em big? We got IMPERIAL sized pint glasses. You like ’em moist? We got the foamiest, stickiest fluids spilling and spraying! You like ’em warm? We even got cask conditioned ale, suckah!

This is a smutty little flick we’ve been passing around the barstools in private, but it was only a matter of time before it ended up on the Internet. Share it with friends, pass it around to the other kids on the block, but have an extra pair of clean jeans handy… and keep an ear out for Mom!