Brewers Association Draught Line Safety for Adjacent Workers Course
|The serving of draft beer is something that many bars and restaurants could place a higher focus on. There have been numerous times that when we’ve sat down to enjoy a beer, the aroma and flavor is not what we had expected. This is especially concerning when it’s a beer from a reputably brewery that we have full confidence in.
To assist in the importance of draft line maintenance, the Brewers Association is offering Draught Line Safety for Adjacent Workers Course via a free online training. This free short course is intended to enable persons who work adjacent to draught line cleaning operations to develop and practice awareness of safe work practices in compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. In addition to receiving a certificate of completion, students will learn how to control safety and health risks surrounding draught beer handling, create a safer and healthier workplace, and foster a workplace culture that accomplishes all the above.
The Draught Line Safety for Adjacent Workers Course is led by Matt Stinchfield, Brewers Association Safety Ambassador. This 4 to 6 hour long course is 100% online that features on-demand videos and self-paced assignments.
In this course, students will evaluate their important role as a steward of draught beer and ensure quality product reaches their customers by championing safe and effective line cleaning procedures. Students will explore ways to team up with a draught professional performing line cleaning at their workplace. Students will also review best practices for line cleaning frequency and familiarize yourself with the critical cleaning steps involved. Finally, students will hear about the intricacies of draught system requirements from a draught beer professional and review common line cleaning procedures.
The Draught Line Safety for Adjacent Workers Course is perfect for front-of-house and draught beer service staff and any person whose work intersects with draught line cleaning operations. Students will understand and support line cleaning operations, recognize inherent hazards of draught line cleaning, and ensure safe and effective line cleaning at your establishment.
To sign up for this online course, visit