25th Annual Hillsdale Brewfest – Battle For The Belt Preview
What is now a yearly tradition and one that gives bragging rights for one year to the winning brewery, McMenamins 25th Annual Hillsdale Brewfest returns to the legendary Hillsdale Brewery & Public House on Saturday, February 24, 2018.
Each year for the past quarter century, the Hillsdale Brewery & Public House has been hosting its annual Hillsdale Brewfest, or what is better known as the Battle For The Belt. This unique festival brings together all 22 of McMenamins breweries all competing for the coveted Belt.
Attendees will vote on their favorite beer of the day. Since there are 22 different beers to try, 11 each on a taster tray, we suggest bringing a friend along to judge all 22 beers. After all of the votes are tallied, the winning brewer will be awarded the Belt on Wednesday, February 28th Thursday, March 1st at McMenamins 23rd Avenue Bottle Shop beginning at 2:30pm.

As usual the beer list runs the gamut but this year a few Hazy IPAs have made it into the tap list alongside mainstays such as Pale Ales, Pilsners, Porters and more. Here’s a preview of the 22 beers that will be pouring on Saturday.
25th Annual Hillsdale Brewfest Tap List:
Anderson School Brewery – Total Yodel Winter Ale
Concordia Brewery – Shady’s Back Whiskey Stout
Cornelius Pass Roadhouse Brewery – Hop Blossom Lager
Crystal Brewery – Johnny Flipflops Tropical Sour
East Vancouver Brewery – Barrel-Aged Tegatron Coffee Porter
Edgefield Brewery – Cascadia Haze New England IPA
Fulton Brewery – Achtzehn Dunkelweizen
High Street Brewery – N.K.O.T.B. IPA
Highland Brewery – Night Moves Chocolate Stout
Hillsdale Brewery – Luau Lei Jasmine Ale
John Barleycorns Brewery – Soppy New England Double IPA
Lighthouse Brewery – Luck O’ The Irish Red
McMenamins on the Columbia Brewery – Bulldog Pale Ale
Mill Creek Brewery – Transcendental Consequence Pilsner
Monroe Brewery – Kieran’s Red
Oak Hills Brewery – Dragon Feet IPA
Old St. Francis School Brewery – Just Peachy
Queen Anne Brewery – Monkey Wrench Imperial Amber
Roseburg Station Brewery – Ten Pin Alley Double IPA
Thompson Brewery – A Beer Called Death
West Linn Brewery – Citranot IPA
Wilsonville Brewery – Darkside of the Raspberry CDA

New this year to the festival is live music when The Coastline jams from 4:00-7:00pm.
The 25th Annual Hillsdale Brewfest will take place from 11:00am until close on Saturday, February 24th. Entry is free and there will be two taster trays of 11 beers each. Happy voting!
Hillsdale Brewery & Public House
1505 S.W. Sunset Blvd.
Portland, OR 97239