Ben’s Bottle Shop Silent Bottle Auction Benefits Vancouver NAACP
|Is your beer cellar looking a bit to full? If so, consider dropping a few of these bottles off at Ben’s Bottle Shop in Vancouver, Washington for its Silent Bottle Auction that will benefit the Vancouver NAACP.
Silent Bottle Auction Instructions:
- Bring us your beer and wine that you’d like to DONATE for the auction by Saturday, June 20th. We’ll display the donated bottles and cans in the banquet room for a silent auction that runs June 21st through June 28th – Sunday to Sunday.
- All proceeds from every donated bottle will be given to our local NAACP chapter for their work in advocating for equal treatment and justice for all people!

More on the mission of the local NAACP:
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) exists to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
Since its inception, the Vancouver Branch has continued its efforts to improve equality and justice in our community. Wherever there is a need, we are there to advocate for equal treatment and justice for all people. Our successes are in-part due to collaboration with and the support of like-minded individuals and organizations in our community who share our dream and goal; a world where the American dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the accepted rather than exceptional.
Ben’s Bottle Shop
8052 E Mill Plain Blvd
Vancouver, WA 98664