Raise a Pint of pFriem and GoodLife Today at The BeerMongers at its National Brain Tumor Society Fundraiser
|Today, Saturday, July 8th is the day that we all will raise a pint or two of beer from pFriem Family Brewers and GoodLife Brewing at The BeerMongers to raise money for the National Brain Tumor Society. This fundraiser will get underway beginning at 1:00pm and will run until 6:00pm.
pFriem will be pouring its Saison and GoodLife Brewing is also pouring a beer where 100% of the sales will go directly to the NBTS. There will also be raffle prizes with raffle tickets that will cost $2 per ticket or 3 tickets for $5. Prizes include several gift cards from Woodstock merchants, lots of beer swag, Hydro Flask items, Timbers items, Kleen Kanteen, beer books, and other gift items. And to top all of that off there will also be a painting from local beer legend John Foyston in the mix. In all, raffle items are valued at more than $1000.

You can also donate $25 and join Team BREWPUBLIC in the Portland Brain Tumor walk on Sunday, August 6th by clicking here.
The BeerMongers
1125 SE Division Street
Portland, OR 97222