Horse Brass Hosts Tom May’s Annual Christmas Show
A Christmas concert will take place at the Horse Brass tonight as Tom May continues a 35-year tradition.
Tom May’s Annual Christmas Show
5-8:30 pm Sunday Dec. 17, the Horse Brass Pub, 4537 SE Belmont St.;
Folkie Tom May has been playing professionally for 40 years during time which he’s toured extensively, written and recorded more than a dozen albums, written a book on the craft of being a professional musician and hosted the weekly River City Folk radio program. He’s also the founder and main organizer of the Winterfolk concerts that have raised thousands of dollars for one of the best non-profits around, Sisters of the Road Cafe. (The 30th annual Winterfolk stars Tracy Grammer and many others, and happens Jan. 27 2018 at the Alberta Rose Theater, by the way…)

But you can see Tom May and friends tonight at one of his favorite venues, the good ol’ Horse Brass. “This is my 35th year I’ve played a Christmas show at the Brass,” May says. “I am the organizer, ringmaster, and “headliner”, but it also will feature songs by our old friend Peter Yeates, Terry Prohaska, and a couple of others. It is always a great evening. I still do it twice a year – the Sunday before Christmas (this year is a bit different since next Sunday is Christmas Eve) and in late October for the anniversary. Plus, it’s a great excuse to drink some Sierra Nevada “Celebration” Ale, which still remains my favorite of the seasonals.”
I’ll drink to that!

Among the many songs May will perform is one from his new album is a song he wrote for the late, great Don Younger after his death in 2011: “We’ll Not See His Like Again”
“I still think of him and miss him,” May said, “as I’m sure is also the case for you, too”
I’ll drink to that too…