Redhook Brewery Brings Back Blackhook Porter
This year will be a monumental one for Redhook Brewery as it will return to its roots in Seattle, Washington with the anticipated opening of its new Redhook Brewery & Pub located in Capitol Hill. But prior to this July 2017 opening, Redhook is going back in its archives to bring back one of its darkest beers brewed, Blackhook Porter.
Dating back to its beginnings in the early 1980’s, Blackhook Porter was Redhook’s second style of beer brewed and returns as the brewery’s 2017 spring seasonal. Throughout its history this beer has been brewed periodically, sometimes only available on draft.
Blackhook Porter is beer that offers up a rich, malty backbone of roasted chocolate malts and Apollo hops that gives this beer a hit of bitterness and a resiny, spicy finish. Redhook Innovation Brewer Nick Crandall enjoys Blackhook’s versatility so much that he is also experimenting with different versions of the beer, including Blackhook variations brewed with ingredients like coffee beans, cocoa nibs, vanilla, and chocolate. These and other specialty renditions will be available on tap at Redhook’s Woodinville pub and at select bar and restaurant locations in Seattle beginning in February.
“Blackhook is a cool part of our history and before we brought it into our seasonal lineup last spring, it was one of the most requested beers by Redhook beer drinkers,” stated Crandall in a release. “The beer is definitely a standard in our lineup but it’s also a great beer to experiment with. I’ve been playing with different versions like coffee and coca nib, vanilla and chocolate that we’ll be tapping throughout the spring.”
Blackhook Porter Stats:
Blackhook is a revival of the traditional London-style, top-fermented porter. The beer’s roasted malts, hop bitterness, velvety texture give drinkers a perfectly balanced porter with a smooth mouthfeel. Caramel malts and a toasty chocolatey flavor give the beer versatility. Blackhook is Redhook’s spring seasonal, but it is eminently drinkable year-round.
Malts: Pale, Munich, C-80, Chocolate, Carafa Special III
Hops: Millennium
ABV: 5.2%
IBU: 36

For something fun this winter, here’s a recipe for making a Blackhook Porter Hot Cocoa. This recipe makes two servings.
4 fl. oz. Blackhook Porter
2 fl. oz. Heavy Cream
8 fl. oz. Whole Milk
¼ C. Brown Sugar, Packed
2.5 oz Chocolate Chips
Dash of Cinnamon
Blackhook Porter is currently available in 12-ounce bottles (both six- and 12- packs and as part of Redhook’s Hook Pack variety pack) and on draft. Use the Redhook Beerfinder to find this and other Redhook beers. Brewer Nick Crandall, will unveil several variations of the porter at the brewery’s Woodinville pub starting in February. Additional info about these specialty tappings will be posted to Redhook’s Facebook, page and website.
Wondering if there will be production of the Blackhook Porter at the Portsmouth NH facility and will it be widely available in New England?