Oakshire/Block 15 Cooperative IPA Tapping @ The BeerMongers
|Brewed in Cooperation with Oakshire brewing for Sud’s & Sud’s. Cooperative Suds IPA is a hazy golden India Pale Ale with a slightly spicy aroma and notes of fruit and pine. It is a low to medium bodied ale with rounded malt notes and a soft bitterness. It finishes clean with mild pine resin flavors. 6.9% alc/vol 60IBU
What happens when two neighboring brewers meet up to make a beer for the sole reason of getting together at one of their favorite Corvallis hangouts and drinking said beer together? Cooperative Suds IPA happens, that’s what.
Nick Arzner from Block 15 in Corvallis and Matt Van Wyk from Oakshire in Eugene were asked to do a promotional night at Suds & Suds. They figured that if they were going to spend three hours together, they might as well make a beer. And since this week marks American Craft Beer Week, what better time to showcase the cooperation in the craft brewing industry.