Upright & Stillwater Kopstootje Night @ Roscoe's
|Roscoe’s will be celebrating the Dutch tradition of “Kopstootje” on Friday June 1st at 6PM. Kopstootje is the directly translated as ‘little head butt’. It is the century old Dutch tradition of a shot and a beer. The traditional liquor is ‘Genever’, an herbal liquor made by Lucas Bols. Upright brewing and Stillwater Ales have both created beers to be paired with Genever. This years version of Upright ‘Kopstootje’ and Stillwater ‘Kopstootje’ will both be featured on tap at the event. Alex Ganum of Upright brewing and Jacob Grier of Lucas Bols will be in attendance to answer questions about the beers and liquor. We will also be featuring other beers from both brewers including the new ‘Supercool IPA’ from Upright.