Announcing the Session #62: What Drives Beer Bloggers?
|BREWPUBLIC is pleased to participate in The Session, a unique opportunity for beer bloggers from around the world to chime in on a specific topic of their choosing and to write from their own perspective on said topic. The idea for the Sessions began with fellow beer writers Jay Brooks and Stan Hieronymus to gather a variety of perspectives in the craft beer blogosphere. Each month, a different beer blogger hosts the Session, and as Brooks puts it he/she “chooses a topic and creates a round-up listing all of the participants, along with a short pithy critique of each entry. Over time, it is the hope — of me, at least — that a record will be created with much useful information about various topics on the subject of beer.” For Brewpublic’s session, it was difficult to come up with a topic initially since so many interesting ideas have already been put on the table. So in our Session, we are going to get a little “meta” on this and look at what drives beer bloggers. If you are a beer blogger, you are encouraged to participate in joining us on April 6, 2012 and post your own thoughts and insights on this introspective topic.
The title question really gets to the heart of the matter: “What Drives Beer Bloggers?” It is apparent that blogging in general serves the authors in a variety of means. First and foremost, it is important to look at what a blog really is. A portmanteau, or a blending of two words, “Web” and “log”, blogging is defined as “a Web site containing the writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites.” Sounds a tad narcissistic to some. In fact, the popular, often humorous collection of modern day colloquialisms and turns-of-phrase that offer a somewhat democratic glance into our culture known as has an interesting series of takes on the matter. Submitted definitions on the site are rated by readers and ranked according to popularity. Here, the most popular definition of “blog” is: “A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as “homework sucks” and “I slept until noon today.” You can see what we mean.

So is narcissism really at the heart of what it means to be a blogger? Perhaps on some level it is. After all, one of the underlying reasons any of us construct our blogs is to be read. Still, is this to prop our own egos or to contribute to the general betterment and proliferation of that which we seek to project? With Brewpublic, we have always seen our blog as an opportunity to first and foremost serve as a platform to promote the culture of craft beer. You may have noticed the recent rise of craft beer culture in what many dub “the Craft Beer Revolution.” The fact that so many beer blogs have emerged in recent years is a testament to the advancements that quality and innovation have served in our society. Further it is a nod to the ever growing acknowledgement of the prominence of the Internet and social media. Wine bloggers were pioneers in the evangelistic efforts of craft beverage drinker, likely due to the preconceived notion that wine is a drink of social importance, whereas beer has continued to position itself as more than just a lowbrow tipple. As made evident by the staggering growth in craft brewing in our country (more than 1,700 breweries now in the United States), craft beer is beginning to garner the respect is has so long been neglected. In 2012, the third annual Beer Bloggers Conference will be held in Indianapolis (the first two were held in Boulder, CO and Portland, OR) and is another exemplification of this division’s growth. According to the conference’s blog, today there exists close to 900 citizen beer blogs in North America. From “A Beer A Day” to “Zythum-An Ale Analogy“, each blog poses a unique glimpse into craft beer and what it might implicate.
But why do people decide to start a blog (Okay, so not all “blogs” are personal. Many breweries have recognized the value of social media in modern society)? One thing seems true of most blogs: they are easy to start. All you need is a a computer and a rudimentary understanding of the Internet to initiate your meanderings. The difficulty resides in keeping up with content and reaching an audience. What draws folks to your site? And, what makes you think people want to read what you write?
Your mission as a craft beverage blogger reading this post, should you choose to accept it, is to compose a post on the topic of “What Drives Beer Bloggers.” There are no rigid guidelines about how to write about this topic but we’d certainly love to hear about the history behind your blog, your purpose in creating it, its evolution, and/or what your goals in keeping it going.
In order to partake in “The Session”, either link back to this blog post in your article, or post a link to it on Brewpublic. The following Monday, I will collect and present a summary of all the Session #62 blogs. As mentioned, on Friday April 6, 2012, we’ll assess this matter in further detail and recap your responses. We look forward to reading your take on this! Cheers!
Great idea behind The Sessions and I look forward to reading the entries on what drove people to start their blog.
Sweet photo on the bottom there, but how come it’s right under the quote– “And, what makes you think people want to read what you write?” That stings Angelo, stings real bad. 😉
Angelo – Love this post! I remember meeting you when you planning to start Brewpublic and we talked about some of this stuff.
You’ve come full circle and gone well beyond the bloggin in our Brewing Community. THANKS!
Thank you, Christine. I’ve appreciated your support of the blog since I started. You rock! Michael: I just couldn’t resist that great pic of you.
Here is my link. Great idea for Session 62.
This is the first I’ve heard of this Session round-up thing. Appears to be very interesting. I figured I’d do a write-up concerning the topic myself. Here’s the link to my post! Slainte!
This is the first I’ve heard of this Session round-up thing. Appears to be very interesting. I figured I’d do a write-up myself, concerning the topic. Here’s the link to my post! Slainte!
Here’s my tuppence worth
Here’s my post. Thanks for hosting!
Cheers for hosting, looking forward to hearing some thoughts. Here’s my post:
thanks for hosting…(comment didn’t post last time)
Looking forward to reading your post. Mine is here:
Thanks for hosting!
I loved the idea for this Session topic. Here is a link to our post for Session 62.
Here’s my post for Session #62 –
Great theme this month! Here’s my contribution
I don’t always participate in the Session, because I’m lazy and always behind, but I’ve written a bit for this one.
May be slightly narcissistic. But that comes with the territory.
Here is our submission.
Greetings Angelo, here’s my top three reasons for blogging about beer…
Here is my truly narcissistic entry!
Thanks for hosting!
My very first Session, thanks for hosting!
BF 🙂
Good one. In fact, great one. I enjoyed it.
Here is my contribution. Thanks Angelo
Thanks again for hosting, here’s my Session post:
Hey Angelo, thanks for hosting this month. I’ve got a rambly post up here:
– Jon
Here is my submission, a couple of days late.
Here is my post for this session, but is Spanish ’cause I’m a mexican beer blogger 😀
Had the post done, but couldnt get it here until today. Thanks for hosting.
Sorry I’m late, it was only due to Zak Avery’s post that I decided to join in:
Here’s mine
my first Session
Just wondering if a roundup of this Session will be posted somewhere…or is this comment thread the roundup?
Hello- I thought this would make for a good story idea for your site/blog. it is interesting, informative and entertaining. I attached the PR in the body of this email. I can send hi-res images if you would like. Thanks.
Las Vegas Entrepreneur finds a creative way to recycle Beer Drinkers empties and Builds the World’s Largest Eco-Friendly GreenStone Building.
Realm of Design’s founder, Scott McCombs, worked years on developing and perfecting green architectural stone (aka “GreenStone”), which is made from 100% recycled glass aggregate and 99.8% renewable materials from Fly Ash. Partnering with a Las Vegas recycling company, Realm of Design obtains and recycles beer bottles that comes from Las Vegas Strip hotels. Since glass takes 4000 years to decompose and is piling up in landfills, Realm of Design is proud to be a company that is helping to provide a resource and energy efficient product that helps close the glass-recycling loop and save landfill space.
Fun Facts: Realm of Design were their own first client to build with their GreenStone. The company recently completed construction on its new 30,000 sq ft manufacturing facility. The Building, properly named the Morrow Royal Pavilion, is adjacent to Realm of Design’s existing showroom located in Henderson Nevada. Construction of the building utilized more than 500,000 beer bottles (one weekend of drinking on the Strip) which amounted to over 290,000 pounds of recycled glass for the exterior building façade. This saved over 400,000 CU yds of landfill space which is equivalent to filling 8 football fields piled to the top of the goalpost. The design of the Morrow Royal Pavilion was inspired by the Swarkestone Hall Pavilion in England-the location of one of The Rolling Stones most famous photo shoots. The company even launched a Facebook campaign to encourage the legendary rockers to visit the building.
The new GreenStone product and Morrow Royal Pavilion have sparked quite a bit of media attention. Realm of Design was featured on the DIY network show “This New House” Click here to watch ROD on “This new House.” and “Real Green TV.” They are currently in talks with other networks that are looking to feature the company and its green products. The TV shows have gotten the company national exposure which resulted in various press stories to be written about them and GreenStone. In addition to the national attention, Realm of Design has won numerous prestigious awards for design, development and their Green Technology. The company recently met with White House CEQ, Nancey Sutley, for a roundtable discussion on green energy. In effort to continue in reducing the company’s carbon footprint, Realm of Design has LEED Green associates on staff which are also available to assist their customers who wish to build green as well.
OK, I guess I’m here really late, but I enjoyed your article. I will be looking for more of your articles.