Get on Your Bikes and Ride!
|What could be Portland than giant festival dedicated to bikes featuring a variety of hoppy organic brews? Throw in an eclectic line-up of bands and you have the inaugural Hopworks Biketobeerfest.
September 19, 2009 will be what Brewmaster Christian Ettinger calls a “bike-in Oktoberfest (that) gives a high five to the local bikers who have come out in droves to fill the streets of Portland with two wheels (and the occasional three, one or four wheel contraptions that resemble bikes.”
The free, all-day outdoor event will kick off with kids activities, food and perhaps our favorite news yet, the unveiling of two new organic fresh-hop beers. Ettinger adds “We’ll also be showcasing the new Bike Beer we just bottled in special 22-ounce bottles with bike events listed on the label. We plan to release this beer regularly throughout the year with an updated seasonal schedule of some of Portland’s most enticing bike events.” This automobile-free event will feature a one of a kind commemorative pint glass.
The energy and mayhem is expected to heighten throughout the day with March Fourth Marching Band, five live bands on a keg-supported stage, bike competitions, flatlanders and BMX trickriders, Goldsprints roller races, The Sprockettes bike dance troupe, a bike craft fair, local bike builders and way more.
September 19 | Noon – 10 pm | Free
For more information on Biketobeerfest, visit