Bell’s Brewery Presents the John Mallett Brewing Scholarship
John Mallett is one of craft beer’s most beloved brewers now has a brewing scholarship named after him. The John Mallett Scholarship in conjunction with Bell’s Brewery will debut in 2022 to an individual looking to further their study through one of the courses offered by the Master Brewers Association of the Americas.
Mallett is known here in the Pacific Northwest for inadvertently naming the winter seasonal IPA from Gigantic Brewing, Yes, the name of The Cat Ate My Stash & Pissed on the Xmas Tree IPA comes from a comment Mallett made back in 2013 when he described Hopslam from Bell’s Brewery. “I’m going to have a beer that we make 4,000 barrels of, one time a year. It flies off the shelf at damn near $20 a six-pack, and you know what it smells like? It smells like your cat ate your weed and then pissed in the Christmas tree.”
This new brewing scholarship is one of the ways that Bell’s Brewery recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Vice President of Operations’ first day at the brewery. In addition to the scholarship, a special, limited beer was also unveiled.
Bell’s Malletizer is an IPA brewed with Buddha’s Hand puree and special malt from Briess Malting in Chilton, Wisconsin, a long-time partner of Bell’s. The malt used for this special brew was from the very last kiln run at the maltster’s iconic Chilton malthouse this past summer. Mallett was invited to be on site for that last run, 120 years in the making.
Malletizer is dry-hopped with Motueka hops and is said to offer amazing notes of fresh citrus zest and lime. This new, limited IPA sits at 6% ABV and is available exclusively at the Bell’s General Store in downtown Kalamazoo. Supplies for this one-time brew are very limited.

“The beer is fantastic and brewed with an ingredient I’ve always wanted to experiment with,” said Mallett, in a statement.
Bell’s Brewery will fund this new scholarship for the first three years, covering registration and travel to provide a barrier-free opportunity. Founder Larry Bell will donate $125,000 to the fund directly at the close of the sale of Bell’s to the parent company of New Belgium Brewing Co. in an effort to permanently endow the scholarship.
“To be able to help educate future brewers, is just something that is beyond words,” said Mallett. It’s really something very special.”
Mallett was recognized earlier this year by the Brewers Association. The trade group’s Recognition Award is awarded annually “to an individual or company whose inspiration, enthusiasm, and support have contributed to the craft brewing movement.”

“John has made incredible contributions to Bell’s, to what Two Hearted is today, and to the industry,” said Larry Bell, Founder and President of Bell’s, in a statement. “Mallett has influenced so many; if there are others who want to contribute to this cause, they are certainly welcome as well.”
The first scholarship will be awarded in 2022. Additional details will be announced by the Master Brewers Association as they become available.