Rock Out With Your Octo Out
|What an opening weekend we had for Killer Beer Week. We kicked things off with a huge bang at Roscoe’s Killer Beer Summit on Friday. When Saturday arrived dove straight into Killer Pumpkin Fest as did all of you. The lineup of pumpkin beers was huge, just as the lines to get these gourdgeous beers. Then when Sunday rolled around we did not take things easy when we celebrated both Killer Washington Fest and Killer IPA Fest.
Now its Monday and we dialed things back a tad bit with our first ever Rock Out With Your Octo Out event. Taking place at the new Steinhaus, Rock Out With Your Octo Out will take place beginning at 5:00pm tonight.

Present and past Rock Bottom brewers unite to haunt Steinhaus in Southeast Portland to celebrate many years of great beer, success, camaraderie, and fun. Meet brewers like Charlie Hutchins (Current Portland Rock Bottom Brewmaster), Van Havig and Scot Guckel (Gigantic Brewing), Bolt Minister (Old Town Brewing), Vasilios Gletsos (Laurelwood Brewing), Ryan Pappe (Portland Brewing), and more while sampling their beers as well as a special collaborative offering made special for this event!
2366 SE 82nd Ave.
Portland, OR
Monday, October 20
5:00pm – Close