John Foyston’s Art Takes Residence At Artistic Portland

John Foyston presents his portrait of Don Younger, one of his paintings he has completed over the years.

One of our mentors through our 10 years here at BREWPUBLIC has been our friend and longstanding Portland beer writer John Foyston. It is always a pleasure to discuss various subjects over a cold beer while he sets up shop on a regular basis at The BeerMongers.

This evening, Thursday, October 4th, Foyston will display his other passion, a few of his paintings during Art After Dark at Artistic Portland. He will join about 40 other artists that will display their work on First Thursday.

A few of the paintings from John Foyston that will be part of the gallery at Artistic Portland.
A few of the paintings from John Foyston that will be part of the gallery at Artistic Portland.
Additional paintings from John Foyston that will be part of the gallery at Artistic Portland.
Additional paintings from John Foyston that will be part of the gallery at Artistic Portland.

Art After Dark will take place from 6:30-9:00pm and will allow patrons to mingle with the artists that have their work on display while drinking and munching on light snacks. Live music will be performed by The Sweet Peas from 7:00-9:00pm.

Tonight will be Foyston’s first foray into displaying his paintings in an art gallery. And he is a bit excited to show of his paintings to a larger audience this evening.

I’m sure that just a few will hang at any one time — wall space is precious there and everybody else has seniority…I, in fact, am in the unusual-for-a-grizzled-coot position of being the FNG, which always builds character. Plus everyone has been great and I’m thrilled to have paintings out of the basement and in a gallery… John Foyston

Entry into Art After Dark is free and open to all.

Artistic Portland
318 SW Taylor St.
Portland, OR 97204