Portland Cheers to Belgian Beers
Servers (OLCC Permit Required) & General Volunteers Needed
Setup: 9am-Noon
Teardown: 9pm-10:30pm
Volunteers receive Mug, 5 Tasting Tickets+PCTBB Trucker Hat
CONTACT Ben Love Ben at HopworksBeer.com
What’s with a dart toss to chose a beer style?
Due to concerns about any particular yeast strain driving most of the beers towards one beer style, we decided to hold an event to slightly randomize what people are brewing. This event gives us an opportunity to promote Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers well in advance.
What is the Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers Festival?
Portlands Cheers to Belgian Beers started three years ago to help introduce Oregonians to the breadth of style and flavors of beers brewed in Belgium. The first year had 10 brewers pouring 10 beers at the Rock Bottom Brewery on April 10th, 2007. In 2008, 18 Brewers made 20 different beers for an event held on April 5th, 2008 at Roots Organic Brewing Co. in Portland. In 2009, on May1st and May 2nd, 23 breweries made 25 different beers that were poured at the Lucky Lab Beer Hall.
Portlands Cheers to Belgian Beers is much like your standard beer festival, but all the beers are brewed by Oregon breweries in a Belgian inspired manner. In the past two years, all of the breweries were from the Portland Metropolitan area. In 2009, the Festival will be open to all Oregon Brewers Guild Members.
How is Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers Different?
One Yeast Strain
During the past two years, almost all brewers have used the same Wyeast yeast strain,
to emphasize the educational opportunities for the consumer.
In year one, Wyeast 1762 the Rochefort yeast strain was used.
In year two, Wyeast 3522 the Aredennes yeast was used.
In year three, the Wyeast 3822, Ingelmunster yeast strain was used.
The yeast for 2010 will be:
Wyeast 3726 Farmhouse Ale
This strain produces complex esters balanced with earthy/spicy notes. Slightly tart and dry with a peppery finish. A perfect strain for farmhouse ales and saisons.
Attenuation: 74-79%
Alc. Tolerance: 12%
Flocculation: variable
Temperature Range: 70-95°F (21-35°C)
Peoples Choice Award with Benefits
The People’s Choice Award Winner gets a number of benefits:
Hosting the next years Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers – this may change in 2011.
Picking next years yeast strain.
Picking the benefiting charity for next years event
Profits from the event Go to a Charity
Money was raised for Parkinson’s Resources of Oregon and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in 2008. $8,000 was raised for the Oregon Humane Society in 2009.
Portland’s Cheers To Belgian Beers 2010: Home Brew Competition
Grand Prize “Best of Show” winner gets to formulate+brew a beer with Hopworks Urban Brewery
The Yeast
All beers must be brewed with this years Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers yeast:
Wyeast 3726 Farmhouse Ale
This strain produces complex esters balanced with earthy/spicy notes including isoamyl acetate (banana), acetaldehyde (green apple), and 4-vinyl guaiacol (clove). Produces slight amount of acidity giving the beer a subtle tartness. A perfect strain for farmhouse ales and saisons.
Attenuation: 74-79%
Alc. Tolerance: 12%
Flocculation: medium
Temperature Range: 65-75°F (21-35°C)
Wyeast is making a special run of Activator Smack Packs for this event that will be available in January
Categories & Prizes
Beers will be judged according to the following two BJCP style categories:
Category 16: Belgian and French Ale
• 16A Witbier
• 16B Belgian Pale Ale
• 16C Saison
• 16D Biere de Garde
• 16E Belgian Specialty Ale (Belgian IPA, Stout, Barleywine, Whatever!) Includes sours, note bjcp style
Category 18: Belgian Strong Ale
• 18A Belgian Blond Ale
• 18B Belgian Dubbel
• 18C Belgian Tripel
• 18D Belgian Golden Strong Ale
• 18E Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Prizes will be awarded at the Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers Festival to the top three finishers in each category and to a Grand Prize “Best Of Show” winner, who will design and brew a beer with Hopworks Urban Brewery.
Entry & Judging
The entry fee is $10 per beer. Entries must include a BJCP “Entry/Recipe” form (available at www.bjcp.org ) and 3 bottles of the entered beer. All entrants will receive a complimentary tasting glass and 5 tasting tickets at the Portland’s Cheers to Belgian Beers Festival ($10 value). Winners will be announced at the PCTBB festival at 1:00pm
Beers must be received at Hopworks Urban Brewery by Friday, April 23
Shipping address is 2944 SE Powell Blvd Portland, OR 97202
Questions? Contact Ben Love, ben@hopworksbeer.com