More Holiday Ale Fest Madness
|As expected the weekend brought sloughs of folks thirsty for the hardily spectacular beers showcased as this year’s Holiday Ale Fest. Upon showing up around 5PM on Friday, one could observe the queue of prospective imbibers out the festival tent and to the corner of Yamhill Street where Max trains passed within inches. The addition of a back tented area allowed for more beers than ever before. It was merry mayhem, elbow-to-elbow action.
After waiting patiently in a variety of lines and tolerating close quarters with a variety of bodies and their odors without any available water (unless you want to pay for it in bottles), we were rewarded with some fabulous beers such as Lagunita’s Chocolate Pepper Imperial Stout, DuPont Avec Les Bon Voeux, Golden Valley Oak Bomb, Stone Smoked Porter with Vanilla Beans, Cascade Sang Noir, and Pyramid Snow Cap’n and Tenille (brewed with cacao) to name a few.
Cascade’s Sang Noir. What Ron and Curtis did with that beer…!