Book Review – Daddy Likes Beer by Mike Lukaszewicz
|A new children’s book has recently been published that’s perfect for the recent or soon to be dad. Daddy Likes Beer is the new lighthearted book that was penned and illustrated by Mike Lukaszewicz.
Published by Thunder Bay Press, Daddy Likes Beer is a 22-page children’s board book that’s full of catchy rhymes that all revolve around a cold beer. It’s a great book that’ll be an easy read that’s perfect at bedtime.
The author, Mike Lukaszewicz lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his wife and three daughters. And it was one of his daughters that gave him the inspiration to pen his first book.
“At some point years ago, one of my daughters made the observation, “Daddy Likes Beer” and I laughed and said to my wife, “That would make a great kid’s book,” stated Mike. “And then I completely forgot about it for several years before eventually deciding to try to make the book. The rhymes were easy enough to come up with but my drawing skills were seriously lacking. Had to learn as I went.”
Daddy Likes Beer began to take shape during the pandemic. Mike’s career is designing corporate e-learning courses and this worked slowed down during the pandemic, This is when Mike drawing the book’s whimsical illustrations.
“During Covid days stuck at home, we spent a lot of time at the art table,” said Mike. “They were very supportive even if I wasn’t much of an artist. They provided some feedback on my animal sketches.”
From there he self-published the book and began doing readings at one of his local breweries, Third Space Brewing, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There he began to gain a following, especially when one of his daughters did some of the reading.
This success at Third Space Brewing built up his confidence to visit other breweries in the Milwaukee area to drop off the book for sales there. The ball began to roll a bit more as the book made its way to other breweries outside of Milwaukee and into Illinois and Indiana, 26 in total. It also was sold on Etsy before being discontinued, to be replaced by the new edition from Thunder Bay Press that was released a few weeks ago.

Daddy Likes Beer hits bookshelves in a larger format with enhanced illustrations, all while maintaining its lighthearted appeal. Plans for the new edition also involve sales in breweries, liquor stores, and other special accounts.
Since the books proper publication, Mike’s daughters have enjoyed their contributions to Daddy Likes Beer. “They love it!” exclaimed Mike. “We’ve done a few book readings at breweries and beer gardens and they enjoy reading into a microphone and hamming it up for the crowd.”
When it comes to beer, Mike is like other beer afficionados and enjoys a few different beer styles and of course has his favorite breweries.
“Definitely IPAs and Pale Ales and stouts,” said Mike. “I’m in Milwaukee. Some of my favorite breweries here are Third Space, Component, Enlightened, New Barons, Black Husky, Sprecher, Torzala, Eagle Park, and New Glarus (near Madison).”
Daddy Likes Beer retails at $12.99 and makes the perfect gift for Father’s Day next month. To purchase a copy, visit
For Mike:
Way to go, Mike!! You always had that artistic gift! I’m with you with the IPA’s and stouts; unfortunately these were not available with Schlitz where I worked, or with PBR which was your Dad’s favorite. Many many stories!
Uncle Fred
This does NOT need to be a subject you read to children! I would never read something like this to my 2-5 year old or even at any age of a child. There is enough crap out there that children are learning. Is his next book going to be about how mommy shoots up her meth, it drug out all day and that’s why they have no food in the house or the child’s dirty? Or how about how mommy and daddy like to “role play” and use adult toys. No! It’s just no! This should not be on bookshelves and shame on the publisher.
Seeing this book at Walmart broke my heart. I took the time as I was standing in the check out line to read it … I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. As the wife of a recovering alcoholic, having watched my children try to negotiate the complications of life with an alcoholic father, the page with Daddy passed out on the couch with a beer on the floor brought back so many horrific memories. I’m sure my life experience help create my reaction to this book. It made me so terribly sad.
I am not a prude and believe most adults can enjoy alcohol responsibly. But does this really need to be the topic of a children’s book? Really? The picture of the dad passed out on the sofa and the mom taking his beer from him…then drinking it herself. WOW. What great role modeling.
I’ve read all the controversy regarding this book and I agree that no child should be reading the book. What I find to be even worse though is the book is horrible! The drawings are terrible and so are the rhymes. This is how it starts: “Donkey likes a dangled carrot, Bunny likes to disappear, Monkey likes banana smoothies and Daddy likes his beer.” I mean, come on, a publisher actually bought this book or did he self publish it? I’m not surprised Walmart bought it though since every thing they have in their stores is junk.
Are u kidding me? I was incredulous, yet couldn’t put “Daddy likes Beer” down while reading in line. The controversy alone will augment sales, but shouldn’t depict the approval of alcoholism through the innocence of a child’s eyes.