Roscoe's Summer Beer Summit
|Roscoe’s Summer Beer Summit kicks off this weekend. The focus this month will be summer beers. Roscoe’s will have a well rounded line-up with everything from summer IPAs to fruity summer seasonals. There will be 14 amazing summer beers on tap, so be sure to check it out! Russian River Brewing-Pliny the Elder will also be on tap for the event. The Summit will take place at Roscoe’s (8105 SE Stark) on Friday, June 25th beginning at 5PM.
Some of the summer beers are: Amnesia Brewing-Mellow Yellow, Sierra Nevada-Southern Hemisphere Harvest Fresh Hop IPA, Oakshire-Line Dry Rye, Dogfish Head-Aprihop, Ft. George-Sprucebud Ale (Portland-area release, and possibly the only keg coming to Portland) , Ninkasi Nuptiale (Portland area release for this one), Hopworks- Kolsch, Elysian-Loser Pale Ale, Cascade Brewing-Summer IPA, Pike-Dry Wit, Paulaner-Hefeweissbier, Lost Coast Brewing-Tangerine Wheat, and a Home-Brew award winning Pale Ale being brewed by Laurelwood.
5 ounce tasters will be available at the event. They will be 4 for $5.