Walking Man Takes Over The Taps at Roscoe's!
Walking Man brewmaster Cory McGuinness will be inhouse to school folks with killer beers like Roscoe’s is hosting a Walking Man tap takeover and meet the brewer on Friday March 15, 2013 beginning at 5pm. “We will be featuring an array of rare and tasty Walking Man beers and giving you the opportunity to chat with the new head brewer Cory” says Roscoe’s publican Jeremy Lewis. 2010 Ironman IIPA, Chocolate-Orange Black Lager, A little Nippy, Coffee Stout… what do you need? It’s gonna rule! There will be taster trays.
Roscoe’s Pub is located at 8105 SE Stark Street in Portland, Oregon. Boo yah!
Spelled my name wrong 😉
Cory: will you guys be bringing any of your growlers for sale? we broke ours this week 🙁
I’ll definitely bring some shirts, pints, and growlers along!