33 Books Publishes 33 Bottles of Beer: Fresh Hop Special Edition Debuts
It’s hop harvest across Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. We already had a fresh hop beer, Fresh Hop IPA from Two Beers Brewing over two weeks ago. Soon additional breweries will be releasing its versions of both fresh hop and wet hop beers.
And just in time for the 2018 fresh hop season, 33 Books Co. has released its latest beer tasting journal, 33 Bottles of Beer: Fresh Hop Special Edition. This new journal is an extension of the company’s “33 Beers” pocket beer-tasting notebooks.
33 Bottles of Beer: Fresh Hop Special Edition is specially-designed to take notes for sampling hop-forward styles such as Fresh Hop beers in addition to India Pale Ale (IPA), New England IPA (NEIPA), and Milkshake IPA.
“I love all beer styles,” said Dave Selden, owner of 33 Books in a statement. “But it should be obvious if you’ve ever met me – I have a hop vine tattoo covering most of my right arm – I tend to gravitate towards hoppy beers.”

Similar to Selden’s flagship beer journal, 33 Beers: Fresh Hop Edition contains 33 pages of note-taking space, made simple with a page format designed to help tasters quickly capture relevant beer stats and flavors, including his signature beer flavor wheel.
“The flavor wheel in this book is all about appreciating hop flavor and aroma,“ said Selden in a statement. “The adjective ‘dank’ isn’t one you often use to describe stouts or pilsners, but if you’ve ever had a hoppy beer with lots of Columbus hops in it, you know how useful that note can be.”
Other adjectives on the wheel in this edition include ‘herbal/grassy,’ ‘citrus,’ ‘floral,’ and even ‘vegetal,’ which sometimes occurs in fresh hop beers, just now coming into season in the Pacific Northwest, where the books are designed, tested and printed.
33 Bottles of Beer: Fresh Hop Special Edition are now available for $5 each at 33Books.com and at finer bottleshops and bookstores around the world. Volume pricing for interested retailers can be obtained by e-mailing orders@33books.com.